Privacy Policy
As a subcontractor, or supplier of goods services and materials to Vision Specialist Contracting Limited we may need to process and store your details. These details may include personal and sensitive data. In these circumstances we will only process and keep on record the minimum data required. We will only keep your data on file for as long as it is needed, once data is no longer needed we will destroy it securely.
General Data Protection Regulation (2018): Privacy Notice
To comply with the (GDPR) General Data Protection Regulation we must ensure that we have a lawful basis for storing and processing your personal and sensitive data.
Data Protection Principles
Under GDPR, all personal data obtained and held by us must be processed according to a set of core principles. In accordance with these principles, we will ensure that:
- Processing is fair, lawful and transparent
- Data is collected for specific, explicit, and legitimate purposes
- Data collected is adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for the purposes of processing
- Data is kept accurate and up to date. Data which is found to be inaccurate will be rectified or erased without delay
- Data is not kept for longer than is necessary for its given purpose
- Data is processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of personal data including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction or damage by using appropriate technical or organisation measures
- We comply with the relevant GDPR procedures for international transferring of personal data
What is personal and sensitive data?
Personal data is data which can be used to identify individuals within your Business. This may include your company name, address, telephone number, company bank details, qualification certificates etc.
Why we use this information?
- To enable us to perform adequate due diligence checks on companies we undertake business with
- Add you to our approved supplier/sub contractor list
- Ensure that your company is compliant with relevant legislative and regulatory requirements/ obligations.
- Request quotes or obtain orders.
- To pay for goods/services that you have provided.
In addition for those who undertake sub-contract work for Vision Specialist Contracting Limited, we may also:
- Check that employees have the required competency to undertake works for us or on our behalf.
- Maintain up to date insurances for your companies.
What types of data will we process and store?
- Company contact details, (such as postal addresses, email and phone numbers)
- Company banking details
- Job titles
- Personal business contact details, (such as phone and email) for specific sales or accounting employees nominated by you to act on your behalf.
- Company QHSE certifications, and insurances
In addition for those who undertake sub-contract work for Vision Specialist Contracting Limited, we may also process and store:
- Employee Certifications and qualifications
- CSCS or CPCS related data
- Contractor Induction related data
- Accident Records
How will you store my data?
Your confidential information will be stored on an electronic system accessed only by the Office Manager, Accountants Department and the Directors at Vision Specialist Contracting Limited and where required the procurement or health & safety managers. Paper copies of your confidential information may also be stored securely and only accessed by the Office Manager and the Directors of Vision Specialist Contracting Limited and will be shredded when no longer required.
Data Retention?
ASCL will for the benefit of future procurement retain your data on file. ASCL will retain your details on our suppliers/contractors list so we can contact you directly if we believe you could assist us with future goods and/or services.
In addition we will retain data if one of your employees has an accident on our premises or while working for us, we are legally obliged to keep information from the accident book, accident records and reports for a period of 3 years from the date of entry (or if a young adult then until they reach their 21st birthday). This is a requirement of Reporting of Injuries Diseases Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 and the Limitation Act of 1980.
Why might ASCL share personal and sensitive data? Who will you share it with?
We have a legitimate interest to share your information for the purpose of bank payments. We will not share any of your personal data with any of our clients or other third parties without first seeking your express permission (or unless required to do so by law).
Sub Contractors:
We have a legitimate interest to share your information for the purpose of bank payments. Vision Specialist Contracting Limited, also has a legitimate interest to share some of yours or your employee’s personal data with our clients on request as part of the pre-qualification process, this may include insurances, and individual qualification or certification details e.g. CSCS cards and other information required for work inductions.
Criminal Conviction Data
We will only collect criminal conviction data where it is appropriate given the nature of your contract and where the law permits us. This data will usually be collected at tender/contract stage. We use criminal conviction data to determine suitability, or your continued suitability for the contract. We rely on the lawful basis of performance of the contract to process this data.
What are your rights?
You have the following rights under GDPR:
- The right to be informed of what your data is used for and by whom
- The right to access your data at any time
- The right to rectification of data held by us which is incorrect.
- The right to erasure of your data held by us in certain circumstances.
- The right to restrict processing of data held by us in certain circumstances.
- The right to data portability
- The right to object to processing data under most circumstances
- Rights in relation to automated decision making (not applicable as we undertake no automated processing).
Protecting Your Data
We are aware of the requirement to ensure your data is protected against accidental loss or disclosure, destruction and abuse. We have implemented processes to guard against such.
Where you have provided consent to our use of your data, you also have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. This means that we will stop processing your data.
For more information on the GDPR visit:-
Contact us
Should you require additional information or have any questions concerning this privacy notice then please email the Tara Allen, Compliance Officer at or telephone us on 01708 393123 or write to us at:
Vision Specialist Contracting Limited,
Unit B5,
Queensbridge Ind Park,
London Road,
West Thurrock,
RM20 3LH
Obtaining the information, we hold about you
You have a right to ask for a copy of your information and to correct any inaccuracies. Under the GDPR, Vision Specialist Contracting Limited is required to respond to your request within 30 days. If you would like a copy of the information we hold about you, please write to Vision Specialist Contracting Limited, Unit B5, Queensbridge Ind Park, London Road, West Thurrock, Essex. RM20 3LH
Making A Complaint
If you think your data rights have been breached, you are able to raise a complaint with the Information Commissioner (ICO). You can contact the ICO at Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF or by telephone on 0303 123 1113 (local rate) or 01625 545 745.